Thursday, October 8, 2009

22 weeks 6 days...

I went on Tuesday for my second appointment with my new OB, Dr. Jamie Middleton. I LOVE her, btw. And the kids have been so well behaved while we've been there and no one minds that they are there at all! Well, the baby sounded good when she would be still long enough for us to listen and I think her heartbeat was around 140.

I have a herniated belly button which apparently isn't a big deal, but it hurts sometimes and that's no fun. Also, when I saw her 2 weeks ago she drew blood for my AFP screening and that came back slightly elevated. She didn't think it was a big deal, but offered to scheduled me an appointment with a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine, which I did ask her to do. I will go and see him next Wednesday and get another ultrasound and hopefully it won't show anything to worry about.

I think we've settled on Sophia Isabelle for her name, which we are both happy with. There's really not much more to report on, but please keep her in your prayers!