Friday, November 6, 2009

26 weeks 6 days....

Had my next appointment today and somehow I managed to get to the office a whole 30 minutes early. That NEVER happens. And of course, it was totally unintentional. They were closed for lunch, so the kids and I sat down and waited. They colored and played with their toys from McDonald's.... It started off really well, but 30 minutes is too long to keep them in the waiting room with nothing to do because they started torturing each other. They wound up separated and sitting across the waiting room from each other, but Ethan couldn't even sit, so he wound up in the bathroom getting a spanking...twice. (Have I mentioned that kids ROCK?)

Turns out that my doc was out of the office and the receptionist said they had tried to call me twice. Never missed a call from them because I would have definitely called them back, and never got a voicemail from them either. I mean, every telemarketer in the country can leave me voicemails, but not my doctor's office? It was disappointing, but I asked if I could just see the other doctor. She seemed surprised, but said yes...I mean, I was already there and with 2 kids, so why waste the trip?

I really liked Dr. Dean, which was great since she could potentially be on call when I deliver. She listened to the baby's heartbeat which started out in the 140's, but she got all wound up and kicked the doppler thing and then her heartrate went up into the 150's. She moved the entire time, just like she usually does.

I told the doctor about my allergic reaction on Halloween night, which she thought was super strange. (Not so much for me, unfortunately.) But she wrote me a prescription for a new EpiPen because mine has been expired for several years. And she also told me that if it happened again, that I should probably go to the ER anyway. It's so frustrating to NOT know what causes you to freakishly swell up and itch like that. I did it for a few years, starting in the summer of 1999 right after I graduated HS and all through college. It was miserable. I saw allergy doctors and had every allergy test they could come up with run on me and still had no idea what was making it happen. I kept logs of the things I ate, didn't change detergents or soaps.....nothing seemed to trigger them.

I carried Benadryl at all times, and after they got worse liquid Benadryl plus my EpiPen. It hasn't happened since well before I got married which is over 7 years so I haven't been carrying my EpiPen or Benadryl in quite a while. That has changed now.

Enough of the whining....the big news for the week.... I PASSED MY GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can still eat dessert at Thanksgiving and Christmas! That's all for now. She wanted me to come back in 2 weeks, but we will be in Arkansas for deer season when I was supposed to go, so it will be 3 weeks instead. Then on to every 2 weeks for a little while, and then every week will be here soon! And if Sophie demands to be born at 38 weeks like her big brother and sister, before the end of January I will deliver my 3rd baby, and my 2nd little princess!

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