Friday, January 8, 2010

36 weeks

I went yesterday for my first weekly visit and she did the Group B Strep swab, but didn't check me, which I was slightly bummed about. But, I did get to go for an ultrasound and everything looked great....although Sophie is breech. She still has time to turn, but she has been in this particular position for quite a while already and I'm afraid that she won't. What I thought was her butt (high on my right side under my ribs) was actually her head. She's laying somewhat transverse with her butt slightly lower and on the left and she is facing down. Which means that her feet are pretty much directly on my cervix which explains alot of the crippling pains when she kicks or stretches.

I'm not sure if it's in my head or not, but it seems as though suddenly this morning that she has dropped down out of my rib cage quite a bit. So, in light of her being breech I'm not nearly as ready to go into labor because I REALLY don't want to have a C-section when I've had 2 successful vaginal deliveries already. I am impatiently awaiting my 37 week visit next Thursday so I can talk to the doctor about my options if she doesn't flip on her own. Will she try and turn her? Will she allow me to try and labor with a breech baby? Or will she automatically set me up for a C-section? Very uneasy about that last one. I mean, I have 2 kids at home and have felt really good after I had both of them. I don't want to deal with surgery on top of everything else I have to do around here, besides, I just plain old don't want to be cut on!

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