Friday, June 5, 2009

Interviewing a new doctor...

Ok guys, I need some help. Since we've moved I'm going to be seeing a new doctor for the first time next week. I need to figure out some good questions to ask so that I can gauge whether or not he is a good match for me. I'm going to make a list of things that are important to me so I can see where he stands on those, but give me some of your ideas, please!


  1. How did it go at the doctor? I don't even know what to tell you about what to ask. That time for me is a blur, and I lived on Warren, and Dr. Pennington delivered all mine. I hope it went well, and you have found one you like!

  2. Lol, thanks Maury! I was nervously checking from my phone while I was sitting in the waiting room to see if anyone had any awesome magic revealing questions so I could figure it out. I was so overwhelmed with nerves while in the waiting room all I wanted to do was cry. I wanted my husband, and I wanted my old doctor. This is highly unusual for me. I generally have no fears of the doctor.

    Everyone in the office was super nice and helpful. I had to wait a little longer than I'd like, but once he got to the room he was perfectly comfortable and seemed like I was the only person there at the time. I talked to him about how he handles his practice, labor, delivery, ultrasounds, tests, asked about the hospital and it's policies on babies rooming in and how long I'd have to stay after I delivered. We covered inductions, labor plans (which I have no intention of making), pretty much everything either of us could think of. I felt very comfortable with him and I can't wait to go back in 2 weeks for my ultrasound so I can get a due date!

    We also discussed my blood pressure which is extremely low for me right now and is causing me dizziness, although it tends to run high and I am often medicated for it. All in all, I really liked him, and I feel soooo much better!
