Monday, June 1, 2009

We're pregnant!

And we are shocked. Well, as shocked as two people can be when they haven't been taking any birth control precautions for the past 2 1/2 years. After I had the kids birth control just didn't seem to agree with me and after several different meds and some pretty awful side-effects I just decided that we were probably going to want another one anyway, so we'd leave it up to God.

For anyone who knows me, they probably know that I pretty much convince myself that I'm pregnant every single month anyway. What can I say, it's a mix of wishful thinking and fear... After Abby was about 1 year old, I knew without a doubt that I wanted another baby. So, we started planning and "trying" for the next one. That took us about 2 months...and five days after Abby's 2nd birthday Ethan arrived.

I am one of those people who LOVES being pregnant, and does not dread the labor and delivery part in the least. Luckily with the first two, I was not sick at all. So far this time, I feel great as well. I am definitely tired, but who isn't when they have two small kids?!

Anyway, after Ethan I never seemed to reach that point like I did after Abby where I felt like I was "ready" to have another baby. I love babies, and anytime I'm near one I want one myself. Then my two kids start screaming and fighting.....and the idea of another one isn't quite as appealing.

Well, once again, I've been feeling pregnant again this month. So, yesterday I got a test and to my surprise it literally said "Pregnant"... I took it to Matthew who had forgotten that I'd bought the test and he just said, "Oh, wow." We were pretty shocked last night, but we called the family and told everyone. After a good night's sleep, the shock seems to have worn off and excitement has set in.

Since we moved in December, I've only been to the OB/GYN once for my yearly checkup. She was nice, but she seems very young (she doesn't look older than me), and doesn't have any children of her own yet. I'm sure this has no bearing on her abilities as a doctor, but I was very comfortable with my doctor in Del Rio. His name was Dr. Daniel Chartrand, and he was strange, but very smart and I trusted him completely. He delivered both Abby and Ethan and I am missing him very much at the moment.

Dr. C was great, he even did ultrasounds every time you saw him. Nothing fancy, just a quick scan to see how everything looked. I am SO going to miss that. He was patient with me as a first timer and patiently stood and answered all of my paranoid questions at each visit. Also, I saw him within the first 4 weeks with my first two pregnancies. I called this morning to make the appointment with the new doctor, and she makes you wait until 8 weeks to come in, so I can't even see her until July 27! I'm not even sold on her as a doctor yet, and I'm not sure how to feel about having to wait until the end of July to decide if she's going to be "the one" or not.

Since this morning I've been a little scared. Not of the pregnancy, or having another baby, but of the unknown with the new doctor, hospital, and location. With Abby and Ethan I was literally in the same L&D Room (#4) and I even had the same private room afterwards. I DON'T LIKE CHANGE! With the fear that has set in has come quite a bit of hormonal and emotional fluctuations. I got my prenatal vitamins this morning at WalMart, because I have not been a good patient and have not been taking them every day even though I know the benefits that come with plenty of Folic Acid.

Anyway, if you've made it through this post, congrats! I can't promise that any of these will make alot of sense since I already have "mommy brain", and I've now added to that "baby brain"..... I just wanted a way to work through my feelings, and also a way to keep track and enjoy what will likely be my last pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. It is good you are keeping a record of all this b/c I can't remember much of anything about being pregnant (except it happening too often, and me being miserable! haha) and I wish I rememebered a lot of things. Good for you for not being sick while pregnant, and also enjoying it! I was horribly sick, and horribly miserable, and sadly, sometimes those memories tie in with my memories of my first 2 being babies, and I hate that.

    Congrats on the new baby!!!
