Monday, June 15, 2009

So, I liked the doctor...

I sat nervously checking from my phone while I was sitting in the waiting room to see if anyone had any awesome magic revealing questions so I could figure the whole doctor thing out. I was so overwhelmed with nerves while in the waiting room all I wanted to do was cry. (thanks hormones!) I wanted my husband, and I wanted my old doctor. This is highly unusual for me. I generally have no fears of the doctor. Everyone in the office was super nice and helpful. I had to wait a little longer than I'd like, but once he got to the room he was perfectly comfortable and seemed like I was the only person there at the time. I talked to him about how he handles his practice, labor, delivery, ultrasounds, tests, asked about the hospital and it's policies on babies rooming in and how long I'd have to stay after I delivered. We covered inductions, labor plans (which I have no intention of making), pretty much everything either of us could think of. I felt very comfortable with him and I can't wait to go back in 2 weeks for my ultrasound so I can get a due date! We also discussed my blood pressure which is extremely low for me right now and is causing me dizziness, although it tends to run high and I am often medicated for it. All in all, I really liked him, and I feel soooo much better!

I went ahead and did my labwork while I was there and I am scheduled for an ultrasound on Wednesday, June 24th to figure out how far along I am. It's driving me nuts not to know that little piece of information! Also, the kids loved the Mom's Day Out at the church I took them to! That makes my life as far as doctor appointments go...much easier! By my calculations based on my LMP, I am approximately 7 weeks and 1 day pregnant today, which means I'll be 8 weeks and 3 days when I go in for my ultrasound. I'm very curious as to what the doctor will come up with after the ultrasound.

When I was leaving the office one of the ladies brought me this really cute little gift bag that had lots of print outs on symptoms to call the doctor about, medicines I can take, and a new edition of What to Expect When You're Expecting. I personally prefer Your Pregnancy Week by Week, but I am reading both. I just really like the week by week setup and the way it goes along with me. In the bag, they also included a few brochures for different things like breastfeeding support, and a 3d/4d ultrasound place called SneakPeek Ultrasound ( that I fully intend have done this time! With Abby and Ethan my doctor did the regular 2d scans alot, which was awesome, but as many of you know they're nowhere near as cool as the 3d and 4d pics you see from people now! I was blown away by this place...they even do baby showers! They have theater seating and you can bring as many friends and family as you want and they can see the baby on the big screen TV! I just wish it was in Arkansas where I could have all of the family that wanted to be there with us!

Anyway, I'm still feeling well. A little tired, but then again, who isn't? I can't seem to get enough cheese. Also, I don't want anything touching my belly. I don't remember that happening with the others, especially not this early. Any kind of pants drive me nuts. I'm living in athletic shorts and most of the time, at least while I'm at home, keeping them pulled down below my waist. I'm ready to break out the maternity clothes although I feel kinda funny doing it this early.

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